Thursday, March 1, 2007

Word Brother

I read an article by Dr. Victor Davis Hanson:

As normal, I strongly agree with Dr. Hanson. American life has become so very fast paced, with everybody expecting instant results. Consider this:

1) Imagine we went to war and within the first few months, our forces where routed in a stunning defeat right outside our own border.
2) In response, we establish a beach head and land over 100,000 troops that march within artillery range of the enemy captital, only to have the commanding general lose his nerve and retreat. After being relieved of command, said general turns to politcs and becomes the Democratic party front runner. Over the three years that follow, we relieve our commanding generals about twice a year due to incompetence.
3) Our enemy assembles a force of respected and efficient leaders and manages to beat us in two out of three battles on average over the next three years, despite being outnumbered with poorer technology. Hundreds of thousands lay dead.
4) On two occasions, the enemy manages to invade us, causing crippling damage despite being replused.
5) When we do manage to win, the only way to pacify the enemy is to wantonly torch the country-side as we go.

Would we have the heart to win such a war if waged today?

We did in 1862, when the union forces went up against the Confederate high tide and won. Study the mistakes of President Lincoln and you can see just how bad things can get.

To quote from the other side (Stonewall Jackson in 'Gods and Generals')
"Hold on Mr. Pendleton, it's good to get your dander up, but it's discipline that wins the day!"

Speaking first hand, our soldiers have the discipline to win the day. It's the rest of the country that worries me.

1 comment:

Jason Kercheval said...

Hey, I noticed your comment on Opfor describing your use of a subdued SWO pin from Vanguard on ACU's. I just joined a State Guard (not National Guard, but the Georgia State Defence Force) and I wanted to propose my wearing the same on my ACU's in that organization, since that is their uniform. I have searched around and can't find Vanguard anywhere on the net and I think I am looking the wrong way. Could you shoot me an email at and let me know how I might get a hold of one of their pins?