Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Queen's Gambit, Accepted or Declined?

It is becoming ever more apparent that America cannot keep a presence in the Middle East under the current political situation. Sadly, the “loyal opposition” has made it a case to continually undermine the current administration's efforts, while the current administration has allowed a lot of tragic mistakes to compound themselves to make matters worse. At this point in time, America has met a lot of its goals in Iraq, the foremost being the near total evisceration of Al Qaeda as a meaningful political or military force in the region. However, Iraq remains unstable and the rising tide of Persian hegemony in the region remains unchecked. As the U.S. attempts to make a final effort to stabilize the region and get Iranian diplomats to make serious concessions, both houses of congress undermine such efforts by passing legislation for an Iraq pull-out. At this point, even though America might have the means, we widely broadcast that we simply have not the political will to stabilize Iraq and control the Persian path towards nuclear weaponry and regional supremacy.

With that being said, I think it is time for the President to call key leaders of congress (most importantly Madam Speak Pelosi, Senators Obama and Clinton) to the oval office along with Vice President Cheney. During the conference, he should give everyone present the best current picture based on U.S. Intelligence and state clearly our national concerns and invite candid talk from the assemblage. After the discussion, he should ask the leaders of both houses of congress to return to their chambers after which they shall introduce and pass new legislation that fully supports and funds the current effort in Iraq with no strings attached. In addition, both houses should pass non-binding resolutions declaring solidarity with the administration and willingness to pass an authorization of force against the Islamic Republic of Iran for the acts of war it has committed against the United States of America. If such legislation is not passed within a week, then the President and Vice President will resign, at which time Madam Speaker Pelosi will become the next president of the United States.

The top line concern I have is that we absolutely need solidarity at this time, because world events are turning, largely due to our internal politics. While I personally detest the political views of the current Madam Speaker, I’d rather see America speak with a unified, but flawed voice, than bicker while my brothers and sisters in arms are in harms way.

Not only that, but I think the move is a political gambit with balls, and one that the president might actually be able to use. I think the Democratic party would rather spend the next two years building strength from republican misfortune than suddenly inheriting the problem with perhaps one of it most shrill leaders in charge. Senator Clinton is one of the most ruthless ladies on the hill. What would she do to keep Nancy Pelosi from becoming the first female president? How many lobbyists have already poured funds into Democratic hopefuls casting eyes towards 2008? Even better, this gives the republicans the chance to essentially pick the DNC front runner for the 2008 election, one that has no present organization for a presidential run and a severely limited national appeal. Last, would a President Pelosi really be ready to leave the Middle East in defeat, with her credited as the engineer to the plan? I remember a very anti-military Clinton administration changing tunes just months after getting into power. Personal authority and attendant responsibility have a way of changing things up.

As a soldier, I know we can prevail if we find the will. America needs to start speaking in one voice NOW, or I fear that the world will end up in a much more tragic conflict than the current counter-insurgency in Iraq.

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