Tuesday, January 9, 2007

Dog Bites Man...

Actually, not quite, but about the same thing. In an effort to find creative new negative news about the Global War on Terrorism, here tonight's story:

Soldier Returns From Iraq to Find Belongings Auctioned Off

No shit, sherlock! Wow, that hasn't happened too much in the last five years. Ironically though, there is a surprise here. It wasn't the soldier's wife! Actually the poor fellow wasn't even married, so he didn't enjoy that special brand of irony so many face when they try to get their wife thrown in jail for running off with everything just to get that pesky General Power of Attorney that they signed waved in their face.

Seriously, I don't mean to make fun of anybody in this kind of situation, and it can be heartbreaking what I have seen some soldiers and sailors go through coming back from a deployment. More than anything else, I just find it odd that this kind of story is news worthy at this particular point in time.