Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Current Events - September 2007

Hey, I took a little break, but am back with more lame commentary about current events. Don't forget to keep all Stryker soldiers, cavalrymen, and patrons of St George the Dragonslayer in your nightly prayers!

1. "Don't Tase me Bro" (HT Drudge): This is about the aggressive student at UF that got hit with a stun gun while trying to make an ass out of himself at a John Kerry Q&A session. I love stories about hippies getting the smack down. Really they're not so much hippies, but really the weird assortment of anarchist/activists that predominate the progressive movement. To keep things short, I find it very amusing that the same people that say violence is never the answer, are the ones that seem to use coersion, disruption, and force to make their points. How completely hypocritical. Anyway, said student will not relinquich microphone after being asked to. He uses force to continue the debate on his own terms. Local law enforcement asserts applied voltage, bringing the balance of force back into equilibrium. Check out the picture on the link. The look on his face says it all. I think the fiesty female cop was the one that took him out too, sweet! I love lady's that know how to dish out pain.
2. Fired Boeing engineer says 787 Dreamliner unsafe (HT Drudge): No shit buddy? I guess you didn't get that severance package you were looking for. Don't worry, now that they replaced you with somebody a little better, I'm sure they'll get all your mistakes ironed out. What I find funny, is that CBS seems to be all over this story, with Dan Rather (my hero) getting involved. What I can't figure out is how they beat NBC to the scoop on this. Oh, nevermind, GE owns NBC and also happens to be one of two prime suppliers of aircraft engines to the Dreamliner program (GENX is the engine for those interested).
3. 50 Basis Points: Big Ben surprised everybody it seems. I actually made a little money in my investments, if for only a day. I am dying on NTAP and CRDN. I am pondering maybe getting a little bit back into financials. We'll see.
4. Barry Manilow and the View (HT Drudge): OMG!! Barry Manilow is not going to be on the View for his third ineterview. It's like so draconian and stuff. The show has like so gone down hill since Rosie left. Nevermid that Israel just bombed Syria last week, President I'mNeedofJihad is going to be speaking at the UN next week, and oil is at over $81 a barrel. This is big stuff. Next thing you know, Danny Devito might actually start having to show up sober when he does The View.
5. Quiet Agression: For those that missed it (and almost everybody did), Israel launched a major air operation in Syria last week. Strangely, nobody is talking much about it. Word among defense analysts are that they took out some kind of nuclear facility. The Isrealli's are keeping mum because they don't want the bad press and operational details to come out, while the Syrians are just plain embarrassed. Of course, a few days later, Iran's most eloquent President, Mr I'mInNeedofJihad made a very blustery comment that if Iran or Syria was attacked, then 600 missile would be launched at Israel and a few dozen at US targets in Iraq. What a little bitch. Your ally just did get attacked, dumbass. Threatening everybody two days after the incident only says one thing, "punk bitch." Good job IDF!!
6. World Could Live with a Nuclear Iran (HT Drudge): Of course it could, I mean, scientists showed that at least cock roaches will survive a major nuclear war. Whatever Gen Abizaid has to say about the issue though, my hat goes off to the French on this one. I am starting to like Mr Sarkozy more and more, and I see the French having are backs (and us theirs) much more in the future.
7. OJ: Had to mention it. Pathetic. That's all I have to say.
8. California Greenhouse Gas Lawsuit Dismissed (HT Drudge): My favorite quote from the presiding judge, "The Court finds that injecting itself into the global warming thicket at this juncture would require an initial policy determination of the type reserved for the political branches of government." What, a federal judge that refuses to legistlate from the bench? Maybe the governator will learn a little bit about the judicial system from this. Then again, maybe he new the case was DOA anyway, pushing it forward to appease CA liberals while knowing full well it was useless. Quite Macheavellian.
9. State Senator Suing God (HT Drudge): I guess this is a stunt to make a point. Senator Ernie Chambers is from Nebraska, so maybe he can get re-elected. Still, I don't see him doing too well in the South Carolina primaries if he ever makes it big time.
10. Another Annapolis Scandal! (HT OPFOR): Part 1 of 4 of an investigative report from the Columbia Spectator, where a female reporter comes to the startling revelation that the US Service Academies actually are military institiutions that train young men and women to be combat leaders. Her personal account of her brother's brainwashing during plebe summer is gripping in its implications. My prediction is that she will come to accept her brother, graduate with her journalism degree, go to work at a Chile's after graduation, go out visit her brother at the Academy, fall in love with one of his dashing friends (suave aviator, gruff marine, or dour nuclear engineer, she'll have a lot to chose from), get married, and end up pushing a baby carriage with her LT in tow to Navy formal parades and football at Navy-Marine Corps stadium within the next ten years.